I have known two sides of Riz, from Childhood and Adulthood. In Childhood, Riz was an amazingly wonderful person. Kind, caring and the type of person you meet in life that you instantly know you have known before and you become fast true friends. There was always something profound and different about Riz that you couldn’t put your finger on but you knew it was good.
In Adulthood, we have grown up without social media and as such, we all kind of lost touch. But thanks to social media I was able to reconnect with Riz. It was fantastic and brought a smile to my face. It wasn’t just the reconnecting but the fact that he and I have had similar paths in our lives. I am an investigator and researcher of the Paranormal and Riz has gifts (channel, medium, and psychic).
For the record; I'm very skeptical of people who say they “channel”. I have come across many, if not most, that are more chister than channel. As such, I start testing them whether they know it or not. I need to make sure that the person is saying what you’re saying is true. So without his knowledge, I started my little testing phase. I am very happy to announce that he passed with flying colors.
Riz does have the gift he has the ability to tell you things that only a select few should know. He is able to bring forth information from a higher plane and higher beings. It is truly unknown how people do this, I can only equate to Riz being a radio tuned into the proper frequencies. What comes out of this radio is life-changing.
I don’t normally give out recommendations and endorsements but in this case, I must. I highly recommend anyone, neigh, everyone get in contact with Riz, for he will give them information that will help them to make their lives a better place. Riz has an ability to touch you on multiple levels and bring you closer to YOU and the great spirit that commands us all."
- Bryan Bowden
CIO/CTO Bronxville Paranormal Society BPS
CoHost Inside The Goblin Universe

"Riz is the real deal. And the loving community he has created via the Circle of Light gatherings is nothing short of magical. I'd heard about Riz and Red Eagle for some time through several of my trusted friends until I finally felt the urge to check it out myself. I'm a very open-minded person, yet am discerning at the same time... and I have to say, the whole experience of the Circle of Light evenings is really something everyone should experience.
The minute you walk into the door it's like you are stepping into a warm hug from an old friend, instant comfort and peace. It's such a great experience going with friends/loved ones because through Riz's channeling and Red Eagle's wisdom, you are able to experience something together that is deep, personal, healing, and even really fun at times. And as Red Eagle goes around the room talking to different people there's a message for you in each and every dialogue. I always say it's like weeks of therapy in a span of an evening :-)
I have yet to do any other work with Riz yet but have heard nothing but praises of life-altering work from the close friends of mine who have experienced it. I think the circle of light sessions are the perfect way for those who are curious, to dip their toes and experience Riz's gifts."
-Rocio Villalobos

"After all these years, you are still going strong and have helped me and my family through it all. We are so grateful to you and your wife Riz for always being there for us. "
- Adam C

"My stepmom is a channeler so this is not new or “weird” to me. I found Riz/Red Eagle through my daughter. What a gift he is!!! His channeling comes from the divine magnificence and the messages you receive are thought-provoking and may challenge you to become the best you can be. If you are playing small, it may be revealed to you. However, if you are moving into your greatness, that will be confirmed too. If you are looking for a fantastic teacher, Riz is it!"
- Sharon Cromartie
"Thank you Oriah. Your words give me hope and comfort. xoxoxo" -Judy H

"In 2012 I was led to Riz for spiritual transformation. After many Circles of Light and 11 Journeys, I am deeply eternally grateful to Riz and Oriah. Wherever you are on your journey Riz, Chief Red Eagle and Oriah will meet you and hold out their hands for you with love, compassion and potent guidance. Back in 2012 I knew that I needed a quickening and I certainly got more than what I had envisioned! They are spiritual teachers of teachers. Now I'm a teacher too!"
-Katherine Potter

"I really enjoyed my super moon meditation gathering I appreciated everything that you said and all the words of wisdom:) and when it was my turn everything you shared was very true and exactly what I needed to hear that no one would have known about me or my life .... then when you channeled my dad and all the things I needed to hear, everything was so real and so real there was no way anyone would have known all that so I was shaken by it ... amazing experience for sure thank you so much I also felt connected to everyone there and felt that what you were telling them was also things I needed to hear as well."
- Bahareh Razi Set

Riz has an incredible gift that is truly life-altering. His energy is palpable and his attention to each individual in a session is extraordinary. I was refreshed with a new sense of freedom and perspective on life after the incredible journey Riz gave our group when he channeled Red Eagle"
- Jen Svejda

"Always right on! Your genuine caring nature is beautiful Riz. Always straightforward with guidance and very clear. I’ve taken your advice and views and remind myself of what I learned when faced with various life happenings. Thank you for your friendship."
- Michele Medina

"I’ve known Riz for 11 years and enjoyed many private sessions. His fine-tuned intuition, channeling, compassion and love come through in the most magical ways. I’m so glad you’re offering o line courses. Many blessings upon you for sharing so much aloha."
- Sandi Glendinning Legacy

"Feb.12th, 2018 ~ OM~Gosh, I don't know where to start to describe this incredible Psychic channel, Riz Mirza. Riz and his dear wife Oriah, have been my dear friends since before they were married, and graciously invited me to their awesome wedding in Malibu, California, where we all had great fun celebrating the LOVE of these two awesome "Cosmic Travelers"! .... I was "into channeled Spiritual info" for many years prior to meeting Riz, so THE VERY 1st TIME that I heard him channel ("Chief Red Eagle", among others), I knew that "he was FOR REAL", and one INCREDIBLY talented and Loving "Spiritual Channel"! Whether you live close enough to Malibu to attend one of his "Circle of Light" events, book a PRIVATE SESSION, or join his "School of Psychic and Mystical Arts" .... you will be DELIGHTED that you did; as it will surely satisfy your THIRST for SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE! Love to all .... Dennis!"
- Dennis Strahl

Riz is amazing!! I really enjoyed the circle of light sessions I have been to. He is an amazing and caring person and I definitely recommend trying one of his sessions!
- Laurie Poulin
The Circle of light is magical. It provides a beautiful eye-opening journey each and every time I attend. You leave feeling centered and loved.
- Courtney Young
My go-to guru when seeking the depths of my soul. I can't say enough good things about his love, light, wisdom and talent. Thank you, Riz for being a part of my journey.
- Esta Bernstein

"A true healing soul. You can feel his gentle electricity recreate you into the person you were meant to be. A genuine gift."
- Ronald Murphy
"Oriah Mirza your description of the circle (on FB) is spot on and so beautifully expressed. The Circle of Light is a one-of-a-kind experience. Truly life-changing. After attending for over 2.5 years, I am barely just beginning the work, yet it has given me SO much! I am grateful to be able to learn from you, Riz Mirza and Red-Eagle."
~Barbara, Los Angeles

"Thank you so much for this message. What an experience and thank you for being the guide/teacher, soul that you are expressing fully in this world now! I had a bit of a breakdown today. A lot of fear about being "big" and also the responsibility that you and those like you have. You are a gem! Thank you!!!"
~Elle, California
" It's been life-changing for me."~Jessie, California

"I've had a handful of Circle of lights with the one and only Riz and red eagle!! He is very intuitive, smart, loving, and so right on!! He knows who you were, are, and will be. He will only share if the time is right, very intuitive!! My husband and I look forward to seeing Riz and a sense of clearing and grounding happens after a session with Riz, He is the real thing, and very clear that he is chosen to be here to guide and give us messages. He is a gift and I feel so blessed our paths have crossed.
~Sanaz, California

"Thank you for your loving nature and steadfastness. I find it very easy to receive direction and reminders from you because you are so loving and gentle. "
~Marideth, California

"Riz is an amazing person Who is truly gifted. I lost my grandfather who was very close to me. I had no closure and lived with regret every day for four years. Two minutes into my meeting he was able to channel my grandfather. He was saying things no one would know but my grandfather and me. I laughed and cried the whole time. It was a life-changing experience that I will never forget. I have referred a hand full of people to him and they are all blown away. Don't hesitate to make an appointment do it now! You will be so happy you did!!!"
~Kendall, California

“This weekend's retreat was nothing less than life-altering and soul shifting. What an absolute gift to be in the presence of so many powerful women that surrendered to their own beauty and magic... To watch them unravel and release and then powerfully create themselves all over again. My life was completely transformed. I'm counting down the days until the next retreat in March! Thank you Oriah Mirza for leading us, guiding us through all of our wormholes, our matrix's and bringing us back home to ourselves.”
~Cheryl, New Mexico

"Quite honestly, I do not write reviews. Restaurants, locations, etc. But after having a personal Reading with Riz, I was astounded and received the slight closure I needed. I booked a reading with Riz seeking to find a medium with a skeptical state of mind. My boyfriend had died suddenly and I needed any grieving person's question answered. I booked a reading without informing Riz of who I was, why I had scheduled a reading. I gave him my common last name, not my business one, and expected a cold reading. The man had me in tears giving me quotes, names, and detailed locations of my boyfriend. Even things I didn't know of my boyfriend his own family had to confirm. His humble personality and the actual gift should be embraced. Please arrive with a skeptical state of mind and make your own decisions. I recommend a reading with him 100%."
Stacy, California

“My friends, Oriah and Riz Mirza will each be hosting an exciting 3-day retreat in Joshua tree. These amazing people have taught me so much about magic, being in my own magic, being myself, creating from complete love and freedom in my life opening up my creativity in ways I never thought imaginable, and attracting and sharing with other wizards, that I cannot speak highly enough of them. They are big love. If you want to learn how to bring more love into your life, explore your own wizardry and attract more magic into your life, these retreats are for you.”
~Amy, California

"Riz is the real deal. I've had a private session with him and I have also been to a couple of his circles. He is always right on target with what he receives. If you are willing to really listen and hear the messages, you won't be disappointed."
~Lisa, California
“You are fierce in your commitment to self and love. I hope to see you this evening and look forward to it! Thank you with all of my heart!”
~Christine, California

"Every experience I have had with Riz in The Circle of Light has been a true delight and amazing experience. The entire session is full of love, guidance, amazing information, healing words and answers, and surprising revelations. I feel as if I have been transforming in such an enlightened, patient, and excepting way with each Circle of light I have attended. I have learned so many things that I have implemented into my life on a daily basis and my relationship with both myself, my friends, and spirit guides have grown in such a positive and beautiful way. I have better learned how to connect or not ignore my intuition and be present as well as feel my connections with my spirit guides. There is no better gift in my opinion to be graced with the presence of the pure divine and be able to speak directly with them. My human and spiritual being has evolved tremendously thanks to Riz!"
~Rachel, California

"Thank you Riz for an amazing and revelatory experience last night!!"
~Paulo, California
"I sat in on a private session I bought as a Christmas gift for my mother after she attended his "Circle of Light." Mirza is amazing. He picked up on two exact names of family members and my sister's profession. My mom felt very comforted connecting to her deceased father. He even channeled some of her pets. And the man himself is very gracious and welcoming. The session was casual and his space was clean, bright, and happy. No negative or "heavy" energy is attached to some occult professionals. He inspires a sense of ease and positivity. It is definitely a psychic experience you can be comfortable bringing your mother or child to. All around, it was amazing. Whether you are seriously seeking spiritual counsel or just want a fun and unique gift, everyone can take away something from a private session. And as a side-bonus: He is very handsome."
~Cherry, California

"It was magical!"
~Joanne, Arizona
"The retreat this weekend was life-changing and magnificent. What an incredible gift to share this with a group of women so passionate and beautiful. Thank you to everyone who came this weekend and so looking forward to the next retreat in March!!"
~Erin, California
"So amazing!"~Cheryl, California

"I miss you all! I'm looking forward to my next Circle, hopefully soon! xoxo Since the very first circle I was forever changed just as you say Oriah<3 Lots of Love to you both and the Tribe!"
~Kaylee, California
"Wow!! Thank you. I honestly had the best experience and am grateful that through this I got to learn from you, from all the women's stories and I believe I got a glimpse of the beautiful soul that you possess. I am in awe of all you have been through in your life and to see the strength and honesty in you now. Thank you for sharing this all with me and for making me feel so supported the entire time. I feel like a "newbie" in the group but am excited to continue on this path with you and Riz. I definitely want to work with you more regularly.”
~Barbara, California

Today is so awesome!!! 😃 Such an amazing and beautiful day of connection, magick, and synchronicity! Thank you Riz Mirza and Oriah Mirza for stopping by Enchanted Shop (Salem, MA)! It was wonderful to see you! Thank you for an amazing reading, Riz! And thank you for an excellent reading Heather! So much love and gratitude!"
~Rachel, Salem
"I love Yoga Soup's events, especially Psychic Medium Riz Mirza 'Circle of Light' ! He is the highlight of this beautiful space."
~Sara, California
"Among the most magical times of my life!."~Katherine, California
"Transformation and soul work are not for sissies! They require deep sensitivity and softness, wrapped with enough steel-plated chutzpah to blaze authentically through a fierce and ever-changing world. Keeping hope, passion, creativity, and connection alive beside the copy-cat drones of mediocrity is not easy. Yet, it happens with Riz and Red Eagle, torchbearer Oriah beside them, on your side. The Circle of Light is where your soul climbs out of your chest, looks you dead in the eye, and says "What are you waiting for? This is why we are here, and let ME tell you what we are going to do next!" The words may come through Riz, but the voice is of that part of you who is ready to be seen and heard and known in this world! Attending a Circle is like a receiving cosmic smack on the head to wake up to your potential, and then you get an all-encompassing hall pass, the permission to go and fully live that potential. Sissies beware. All others, be ready to rip your life open and never look back!"
~Cheryl M, Utah
"This weekend was a wonderful, eye opening gift. Before this weekend I told myself that if I don't feel any better within six months, I was going to try to end things. I had given up on caring about the fallout. I see things differently now. So differently. Community is a powerful thing. Life altering. Thank you. I know I still have a multitude of issues to work through/heal and transform. What happened for so many people including me was just incredible, Oriah. I'm sure that sentiment is echoed by all. You grabbing me and pulling me into your healing and much needed embrace was and is more than anyone has ever done for me. No one has ever fought for me, Oriah. No one. Ever. For that I will be eternally grateful and will honor your heart and soul forever. "One love"
~Beth, San Diego
“I was seriously blown away by Red Eagle. I’ve been a metaphysician all my life, and witnessed numerous channels, who, honestly, did not impress me. You're having channeled Red Eagle gave me a new take on having witnessed a truly inspiring and moving phenomenon.”
-Diana , California
"Just wanted to thank your warmth and hospitality, Oriah. The Circle last Tuesday was wonderful and your home carries such a beautiful energy that I’m still feeling it. Hugs and blessings to you both :)”
~Vicki, California
"Riz and Oriah are a Powerhouse Couple that you will always cherish having met and learned from – so do not hesitate if you are reading this as a measure of whether to attend ANY one of their many scheduled events. You will have no regrets and MEMORIES to CHERISH that TOUCH your HEART in meaningful and memorable ways !
One of the MOST outstanding “traits” that I most admire about my dear friends Riz and Oriah, is that they SEEK OUT and JUST LOVE to HAVE FUN at ANY opportunity. When you attend any one of their events – it is ALWAYS a barrel of fun!
They also Love and Respect and ENCOURAGE in others by simply being a SHINING, LIVING EXAMPLE; but aside from their IMMEDIATE family, they also make YOU … Feel Like Family whenever you are with or near them!"
~Dennis, Joshua Tree
"I just wanted to thank you and Riz for coming out on Monday evening and giving us a wonderful night and experience. We absolutely loved it."
~Laura, Woodland Hills
"I have hosted many circles at my house and after each evening I am blown away by the words that come out of Red Eagle. I have watched many peoples lives completely shift into a clearer, more positive direction full of joy and inner peace after having been to a circle of light gathering. Riz Mirza is using his gift in amazing ways to benefit others well being and spiritual evolution. I hope that in some way everyone will have the opportunity to be touched by him. I feel truly blessed to have Riz and Oriah in my life."
~ Bree, Topanga, CA
"Another amazing circle!...as always. Thank you Oriah and Riz for this gift to us all."
~Barbara S, LA
"Light ✨ and Love 💕 continue to grow with each moment we recognize the magic that we are and the magic that surrounds us 🙏🏼 Thank You Riz!"
~Susan H, LA
"Thank you so much for the amazing “magical “ experience ♥️🙏 learned so much and I felt the magic!
~Bahareh, LA
"What a Beautiful night!!! Thanks for all the positive energy and laughter! 😅😅"
~Leon W, LA
"Riz, I want to express my sincere gratitude for the guidance that you have shown me. I truly feel that I have re-embarked on the path that I was always meant to partake and could not be any clearer or happier about it. Thank you for your light and your guidance. 🙏🙏"
~Rana M, LA
"I love the messages that come through!!"
~Michelle B, LA
"Thank you Riz Mirza!! Such a blessing and the timing of the message was perfect as always. I am so grateful to call you friend. The guidance is soooo appreciated! Wishing you and your family many Blessings 💖🌈💫🌟🌺 Cheers to Love & all that comes with it!"
~Michelle M, LA
Several years ago it was time for my soul to step in and begin it's mission here. I had some spiritual and energetic shifts, that I had absolutely no clue what to do with. I had a few healers and psychic friends, but I didn't have a clue what to do after single sessions and weekend workshops. My pain ran deep, and twisted and I had no idea what to do about this human condition.
I have sat at the feet of Red Eagle on Tuesdays in Malibu for 3 years. It became my earth school. A place where my language was understood, and people "like me" gathered. I've been taken down a 3 year journey of the soul, digging out the dark places and learning to trust again. Myself and others. Feeling seen, heard, felt and validated in my brand of world questioning.
A visit with him is what I have given as birthday gifts to anyone in my life open to it, and now when I show up I know many faces. This is no parlor trick. This is a window beyond the veil, wisdom, guidance, acceptance and love. I will forever be in deepest gratitude for Riz and Oriah for the work they do. There home carried me like a church sanctuary.
I met God there for sure, and I happy to spread the word. "
Namaste - Hope L

"It’s all free will - welcoming - gathering of great energy... and each will get a message by RedEagle... and just the opportunity to listen and following all messages and experiences will support each other's way of life!
Only a “GoodVibeTribe”.
- Raphaela Feldman

"I believe God guided me to Riz. I sought a spiritual teacher who would help me come out of my slumber and remind me of the vitality and inspiration and love that I knew was innately mine but somehow was missing. It all started with a private reading which then led me to his trance channel circles-the place that now is like the equivalent of church to me but better; there I get individualized, intuitive heart surgery every time; What a blessing it is to be able to connect to spirit in this way, to pow-wow with other souls trying to find the best version of themselves, and learn from each other.
I've been fortunate enough to take Riz's classes where I learn to become more connected and in-tune. I've also taken the retreats locally and abroad and I feel like these have drastically changed my life. The retreats reset me and help me grow exponentially and I can honestly say that some of the most memorable moments of my life have taken place in this sacred space and there are no words to how grateful I am for all of the guidance I have found here!! And yes, my inspiration is now at an all-time high.
- Jenny Vanessa Diaz

"Riz was the first live channel I ever sat with he is truly authentic opening for spirit to move through with the divine playful message of Chief Red Eagle who told me things that are manifesting quickly in my life WOW. Thanks, Riz and Red Eagle, I am naming our yoga studio here in orange Hill Jamaica the Red Eagle Studio."
- Yvette Vuono

"Can I leave unlimited stars??? Riz is the biggest voice for heart and soul I’ve ever met, and I’ve seen thousands of people in the last five years come through the doors of Red Eagle Ranch and leave with healed hearts, enlivened minds and renewed energy for life because of him. From my first Circle of Light five years ago, I knew I’d been waiting my whole life to meet him and his wife Oriah and to hear Red Eagle speak. Riz’s workshops, retreats, sessions, where do I even begin really? I have been a part of them all, and every single one made me a better person, and helped me feel more love. Everything in my life is better because of his work."
- Erika Merriweather