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My story in Merlin's Forest is yours too, as we both seek to uncover the mysteries

within ourselves.

Dear Reader,


Finding Merlin: A Journey of Self-Discovery Through Magic


Finding Merlin tells a tale of venturing deep within, not just through forests and mythical realms, but into your soul's vast, hidden chambers. It's a journey of uncovering the potent magic that sleeps within, awoken by a reverence for the world's wonder, the kind Merlin embodies.


Step into your personal "Forest of Dreams," “The Enchanted Forest,” or “The Forest of Many Names,” where the elements and creations dance and interact with you, unveiling your own deep mysteries within. Here, you realize you're not just the hero or the villain, the human or the otherworldly, but a magnificent tapestry woven from both. Release the limitations of identity and follow the magical trails, sensing Merlin's presence with every step. 


Penetrate the intricacies of his grand kingdom through tests and transform through a domain ruled by elves and mystics. As you transcend your former self, Merlin draws closer, not as a wizened older man but as the sovereign guide he truly is. He's been watching you navigate the darkness, the forest transforming with every emotion, beckoning your innocent spirit to engage with the wonders unfolding before you.

Remember, you're never alone on this path. Finding Merlin guides you to discover your true magical self, hidden within and yearning to be unveiled. With each layer you unlock, Merlin awaits, ready to embrace you with his profound truth: you are the magic, the kingdom itself. Let go of limitations and repeatedly immerse yourself in the magic and wonder of being lost and found, each experience revealing more of the magic within and around you.


Surrender to the first-hand experience of storyteller Oriah Mirza, who bares her soul through Merlin's guidance and friendship. Witness her wrestle with loyalty, admiration, guilt, and fear as the mystery deepens with each step as she surrenders to the beauty of inner magic and the transformative power of storytelling.


Finding Merlin is more than a book; it's an invitation. Enter the forest, embrace the

unknown, and transform yourself into the magic waiting to be discovered. You will never be the same.

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Estimated at around $39, this Collector's Edition is a keepsake hardcover book featuring 422 pages across 17 chapters, with highly detailed color illustrations. An eBook version will be available as well.

Pre-order here

Finding Merlin Collectors Book

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Book will be available within the next 6 weeks or sooner as of May 7th, 2024. We will contact you and then you can purchase the book.

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