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Enchanted Egypt Retreat

Join renowned psychic medium and shaman, Riz Mirza, on an extraordinary six-night retreat to Egypt, an adventure that promises to be as metaphysically enriching as it is culturally profound. This unique journey will take you deep into the heart of ancient Egypt's mysteries, unlocking secrets that have captivated spiritual seekers for millennia. As you traverse the timeless landscapes of Cairo, Luxor, and Aswan, Riz Mirza's guidance will be your key to exploring the unseen and understanding the unexplained. His profound insights and psychic abilities will elevate your experience beyond a mere tour, turning it into a transformative spiritual quest.


Dec 2-9th, 2024   


Nov 6th-13th, 2025


The retreat's itinerary is meticulously crafted to blend metaphysical exploration with immersive cultural experiences. Each day will unfold with visits to sacred sites, where Riz will lead meditations and channeling sessions, opening doorways to higher knowledge and self-realization. Imagine meditating within the hallowed chambers of ancient temples or channeling ancient wisdom under the stars, surrounded by the majestic pyramids. These experiences are designed not just to educate but to resonate deeply with your soul, offering revelations and insights that are both personal and universal. Riz Mirza's extraordinary ability to tap into the psychic realm will provide a unique perspective on the profound spiritual significance of these ancient wonders.


Beyond the spiritual journey, this retreat also offers a rich tapestry of cultural experiences. You'll sail on the Nile River, witnessing the timeless beauty of Egypt from its lifeline and artery. Visits to indigenous villages will provide a glimpse into the local way of life, allowing for an authentic cultural exchange that enriches the soul. 


As the sun sets, the vibrant night markets come alive, offering a sensory feast of colors, sounds, and scents. Here, you can indulge in local delicacies, shop for traditional crafts, and absorb the lively atmosphere that makes Egyptian culture so enchanting. This retreat is more than a journey—it's an awakening, a bridge between the ancient and the modern, and an invitation to explore the depths of both the world around you and the universe within.

Sand Dunes



これは一生に一度の旅です。多くの生涯!これは、12-02-23 エジプトにいる強力な日であり、宇宙エネルギーが調整されて、あなたの意識が再調整され、拡大されます。  


エジプトは、この次元を超えた神聖な鍵と古代の魔法を保持しており、この特別なリトリートでは、リズは古代エジプト人のいくつかの異なる場所でこの知識を伝えます.カイロ、アスワン、ルクソールをカバーし、多くの秘密の鍵を握る寺院、墓、ミステリーを探索しながら、それぞれの場所で充実した時間を過ごします。市場、博物館を探索し、ある夜はラクダに乗り、伝統的なフェルッカ船で夕食のためにナイル川を下ります。最終的にエジプトに行くのを待つ理由はありません。リズのリトリートには、非常に快適な宿泊施設と、安全で信頼できるドライバーとプロのエジプト学者が質問に答えるエアコン付きの専用車があります。これは素晴らしい隠れ家であり、私はあなたを歓迎します!マジカル エジプト リトリート!


セイクリッド アース リトリート ウィズ









1 日目と 2 日目 



ギザのピラミッド、スフィンクス、サッカラ、カイロ旧市街、エジプト考古学博物館、カリリ市場、ラクダ乗り、ナイル川船乗り、地球上で最高のフローラル オイルを手に入れることができるエッセンシャル オイル ワークショップを訪れてください。


3 日目と 4 日目 


(飛行機で) ルクソール




5 日目と 6 日目 

(ドライブ) Aswan  へ

探索, フィアレ神殿, オベリスク, ナイト マーケット, ナイル川フェルッカに乗る, アブ シンベル ロードトリップ 




(戻る) Cairo  に戻る



Fly home 


2 人部屋 - $4250

一人部屋 - $5450




Covidの予防策が講じられています。エジプトに渡航するすべての乗客 (エジプト人を含む) は、フライト出発時刻の最大 72 時間前に取得された COVID-19 の PCR 検査陰性証明書を所持している必要があります。 ※最新情報を随時発信していきます。これについては直接お問い合わせください。


2 ベッドの宿泊施設に個別の料金を請求する理由は、国内では、飛行機に乗ってサイトに入るために、バス、食事、ホテルの支払いのために、すべての人が個別のチケットを購入する必要があるためです。 .

Sacred Earth Retreats with

Riz & Oriah Mirza




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Days 1 and 2 



The pyramids of Giza, Sphinx, Saqqara, Old Cairo, Egyptian museum, Khalili market, camel ride, and Nile riverboat ride, visit the essential oil workshop where you can get the best floral oils on Earth!


Days 3 and 4 


(Fly to) Luxor

Hatshepsut, Valley of the Kings, Karnak, Colossi of Memnon 



Days 5 and 6 

(Drive) to Aswan 

Explore Phiale temple, Obelisk, night market, Felucca ride on Nile, Abu Simbel road trip 



Day 7 

(Fly back) to Cairo 

Coptic Christian Church, Bazaar


Fly home 


Double occupancy room - $4250

Single occupancy room - $6250

*includes a flight to Luxor and return to Cairo from Aswan, all hotels, all private transport and guides and all sites admissions


Flights within Egypt are included. 

Covid precautions are taken. All passengers traveling to Egypt (including Egyptians) must be in possession of negative PCR test certificate for COVID-19, taken at a maximum of 72 hours before their flight departure time. *latest up-to-date info will be provided at all times. Contact us directly for this.

*Flight from US is not included and is purchased individually.

The reason we charge individual prices for the 2 bed accommodations, are because within the country we have to buy individual tickets for everyone to get on airplanes and to get into sites, to pay for buses, meals, hotels, so this pays for the individual.

We encourage you to read our Terms & Conditions prior to signing up for a retreat, as you will be required to agree to them in order to register. 

Contact Erika at if you would like to join this retreat!

Book Your Spot Now
Limited spaces available

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ご不明な点がございましたら、 までお問い合わせください。

Thanks for submitting!

To find out about our requirements on all of our retreats regarding COVID, go here.
To find out more details about Covid instructions with the CDC, please go here.

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