"Lady O"
Oriah Hera Mirza is an accomplished author, speaker, shaman, and trauma life coach. As a mother of five, she brings a wealth of personal experience to her work. An alien experiencer, intuitive empath, and futurist, Oriah offers hope and insight into the conscious evolution of humanity.
Married to renowned master trance channel and psychic medium Riz Mirza, Oriah has shared her wisdom at Women's Leadership conferences, workshops, group retreats, and one-on-one private sessions worldwide for over a decade. She co-hosts the popular YouTube podcast, Meta Mystic, with Riz, where they explore paranormal phenomena and spiritual growth.
Together, Oriah and Riz are the founders of Red Eagle Universal Inc., a private production and spiritual tour company in operation since 2010. They specialize in creating original content, including live events, online media, and books, and are the producers of the episodic series Paranormal Roadtrip East Coast. They also lead international retreats to sacred sites and embark on paranormal road trip adventures for their podcasts. Frequently featured as guests on various podcasts, Oriah and Riz bring their spiritual insights to a broad audience. They live with their two cats and a toy Yorkie.
Oriah Mirza is a host, podcaster, author, speaker, shaman, and, trauma life coach, entrepreneur. An alien experiencer, intuitive empath, and futurist Oriah gives humanity hope in understanding the conscious evolution on the planet. Married to renowned and top full trance channel and psychic medium Riz Mirza. Oriah has spoken around the world in Women's Leadership conferences, workshops, group retreats, and one-on-one private sessions for over a decade. She considers herself an intuitive empath and futurist. Oriah is a mom of five children, a passionate food & health advocate and is a native of Los Angeles, CA.
From Oriah:
I can't really say I grew up and lived a normal life. Each chapter of my life felt like a full lifetime or a movie, which I know is hard to believe but true, and the thriller, sci-fi, action-packed, dark comedy-drama kind. I've shared my story before, and people start checking out less than halfway through because they cannot believe I survived any of it. Neither can I, but here I am! The natural course of action has been for me to help people understand how not to give up, how to find other ways to find solutions....and, bottom line, how to find peace in your journey.
And if they are so inclined, I will share the mystical, magical and other-worldy side of life.
I have been a life coach for 20 years, an entrepreneur since 2003. I raised five children, healed numerous ailments, recovered from several divorces and spent the last decade taking groups on international sacred tours with my husband Riz. I helped him create, and we both own and operate our metaphysical center for over a decade and both serve the community as shamans, speakers, authors, video content creators, producers, and more.
Finding Merlin tells a tale of venturing deep within, not just through forests and mythical realms, but into your soul's vast, hidden chambers. It's a journey of uncovering the potent magic that sleeps within, awoken by a reverence for the world's wonder, the kind Merlin embodies.
Step into your personal "Forest of Dreams," “The Enchanted Forest,” or “The Forest of Many Names,” where the elements and creations dance and interact with you, unveiling your own deep mysteries within. Here, you realize you're not just the hero or the villain, the human or the otherworldly, but a magnificent tapestry woven from both. Release the limitations of identity and follow the magical trails, sensing Merlin's presence with every step.
New Book, out Dec 2024
Относно Oracle Oriah
Добре дошли в моето малко кътче от рая! Съпругът ми Psychic Medium и Trance Channel Риз Мирза обслужват по-широкия район на Лос Анджелис и в международен план като шамани, мистици и лечители повече от десетилетие. И двамата имаме невероятни истории от живота си, които трябваше да се излекуваме чрез травма, загуба и други. Чрез ченълинга на Риз в транс Духовни водачи частно и публично в големи групи към мен и също така работех заедно с него (а също и самите водачи), водещи хора в шамански пътешествия в продължение на толкова много години, съчетани с годините ми житейски коучинг, органично се превърнах в професионален интуитивен емпатик Учител по мъдрост, професия, която все още не е призната от основното общество.
Считам себе си за футурист, учител по мъдрост, който работи само с най-превъзходната възраст, футуристични нови вярвания за ново освежено и силно мислене. Живея по моите учения и споделям лични истории заедно с това КАК можете лесно да промените живота си.
Все още сме на ръба, нали? Но моята прогноза е, че тези видове професии ще бъдат основните източници на образование и изцеление за света в бъдеще. Поради търсенето традиционните средства за лечение и терапия станаха ограничени и хората търсят повече. За да разберете какво правим в по-голям мащаб.
Те са основали своята медийна и продуцентска компания Red Eagle Universal Inc, която включва издателска компания. Те имат онлайн видеоклипове, социални медии, книги, преписи и аудио учения на мъдрост. Те организират събития на живо и се оттеглят по целия свят. За да научите повече за това какво прави Oriah и нейните книги, моля, отидететук.
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