Circle of Light at Ra Ma Yoga Center
sáb, 29 jul
|Ra Ma Yoga Center
Individuals who want to explore their spiritual life to individuals who are experiencing extreme trauma and pain in their life come to the Circle of Light to receive wisdom, support, and clarity about their soul path, their situation, and most importantly their belief systems.

Time & Location
29 jul 2023, 19:00 – 22:00
Ra Ma Yoga Center, 1729 21st St, Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA
About the Event
Psychic Medium and Trance Channel Riz enters into a deep trance and retreats within as master Spirit Guides speak through his body with love, wisdom and powerful piercing insight. His main message bearer, Red Eagle an unforgettable loving presence, answers your personal questions on any aspect of your life.
It helps our guests feel their creations, and co-creations with others to a higher degree, helps people feel not only more enlightened but helps them heal faster, find more peace in their decisions and overall propels people into deeper healing work for themselves or pushes them into a higher plane of existence.
There will also be an energy healing activation to close the gathering. You will feel a profound feeling of peace about the future. Riz is known as one of the only full trance channel-shamans known to publically channel personal individual messages including mediumship messages. He has also channeled a record 5 hours, giving messages in trance.
Riz Mirza has trance-channeled numerous Spirit Guides who healed people in over 2500 live weekly channeled gatherings called the Circle of Light, with over 8,000 hrs of recorded sessions. Channeling over 100 different Spirit Guides, in front of a live audience. He's considered a master trance channel. A one-of-a-kind event.
In-Person Message
This ticket is for in-person attendance and the ability to receive a message from the Guides. This is a request, not a payment. You must also venmo @redeagleuniversal to confirm. You must do both steps. No refunds.
55,00 US$Venta finalizadaIn-person non-message
This ticket is to attend in-person, but you will not receive a message. This is a request, to confirm, you must also send payment through Venmo to @redeagleuniversal. You must do both steps. No refunds.
25,00 US$Venta finalizada
0,00 US$